Find Equivalencies to User Added Transfer Courses

This article provides an overview of how to locate equivalencies to courses from User Added Transfer Institutions.

Once equivalencies to User Added Transfer Courses have been established, they are visible within the following areas of TES®:

  1. The Public View;
  2. The Equivalency Finder;
  3. The Equivalency Manager; and
  4. The Equivalency Batch Editor.

Equivalencies to User Added Transfer Courses do not display in Transferology®.

The Public View

If an institution has deployed its TES Public View, visitors to the site (prospective students, transfer counselors, and even internal stakeholders) will be able to view all non-hidden equivalencies established by the college or university. Equivalency data within the Public View is automatically updated every 24 hours; TES® Administrators can also update the data sooner, manually, using the UPDATE EQS button within Public View Management.

To view equivalencies established to courses at a User Added Transfer Institution:

  1. Navigate to the institution's Public View URL.
    • This URL can be given directly to an individual or embedded behind text or a graphic on the institution's website.
  2. Within the CREDITS FROM list, select the hyperlinked institution name.
    • If helpful, use the A-Z INDEX or INSTITUTION SEARCH field to navigate to the institution's name.
      • Users should be aware that abbreviations and alias searches cannot be used to locate User Added Institutions within the INSTITUTION SEARCH fields in TES. CollegeSource recommends entering the full name of the User Added Institution (or at least the most unique part).

The letter C has been selected from the A to Z Index. A callout additionally identifies the location of the INSTITUTION SEARCH box towards the top right of the page. The user had searched for College University, which now appears within the institution list. An arrow points to the hyperlinked institution name.

  1. A list of equivalencies will appear. Select the hyperlinked transfer course(s) to view its details.
    • Additionally, use the Search button to search for courses by EQ Status or Course Code.
      • See Using the Public View (scroll to "Find Transfer Information in the Public View") for further information.

Image depicts an equivalency between courses at College University - CSU Added and CollegeSource University SH.

"- CSU Added" is appended to the name of all User Added Transfer Institutions created by CollegeSourceUniversity (SH). This phrase clearly identifies that the institution was created by a user in the CollegeSourceUniversity TES® account and is not associated with official TES institution data. This phrase is visible to visitors of the TES Public View.

Within the EQUIVALENCY DETAIL page, users will see the following information:

    • The equivalency BEGIN DATE and END DATE (if applicable);
    • A NOTE (if applicable; the TES Public Note would populate this field); and
    • A side-by-side view of the User Added Transfer Institution and home institution course information.

Equivalency Finder

The Equivalency Finder provides a searchable, "view only" list of equivalencies established by the institution. It echoes the Public View in that it allows users without the CREATE EQ user right to search through the account's existing public equivalencies. Any user with an active TES® account at the institution can view equivalencies in this area. Hidden equivalencies will not display in this view unless a user has the ACCESS EQ user right. 

To view equivalencies established to courses at a User Added Transfer Institution:

  1. Go to the Search menu.
  2. Select Equivalency Finder.
  3. Within the INSTITUTION list, select the arrow to the left of the institution's name ("Select an institution").
    • If helpful, use the letter index or INSTITUTION SEARCH field to navigate to the institution's name.
      • Users should be aware that abbreviations and alias searches cannot be used to locate User Added Institutions within the INSTITUTION SEARCH fields in TES. CollegeSource recommends entering the full name of the User Added Institution (or at least the most unique part).

The letter C has been selected from the A to Z Index. A callout additionally identifies the location of the INSTITUTION SEARCH box towards the top left of the page. The user had searched for College University, which now appears within the institution list. The Select an Institution button is also highlighted.

  1. A list of equivalencies will appear. Select the arrow to the left of the equivalency ("View course equivalency detail") to view further information.
    • Additionally, use the Search button to search for courses by EQ Status or Course Code.

"- CSU Added" is appended to the name of all User Added Transfer institutions created by CollegeSource University (SH). This phrase clearly identifies that the institution was created by CSU and is not associated with official TES® institution data. This phrase is visible to users within the Equivalency Finder.

Within the EQUIVALENCY DETAIL page, users will see the following information:

    • The equivalency BEGIN DATE and END DATE (if applicable);
    • Whether the equivalency is hidden from the Public View (PUBLIC VIEW HIDE?);
    • The equivalency PUBLIC NOTE (if applicable);
    • A side-by-side view of the User Added Transfer Institution and home institution course information.
  • Users with ACCESS EQ or CREATE EQ rights will additionally be able to see CREATOR, EQUIVALENCY LOG, EVALUATION LOG, and PRIVATE NOTE details.

Equivalency Detail page. CollegeSource University's MATH 105 & MATH 105L are equivalent to CollegeSource University's MATH 140 & 140X.

The Equivalency Manager

Within the Equivalency Manager, users with the CREATE EQ user right can create, edit, or delete equivalencies. All equivalencies (including those that are hidden from the TES® Public View) are visible within this area of TES.

To view equivalencies established to courses at a User Added Transfer Institution:

  1. Go to the Match menu.
  2. Select Equivalency Manager.
  3. Within the INSTITUTION list, select the arrow to the left of the institution's name ("Select an institution").
    • If helpful, use the letter index or INSTITUTION SEARCH field to navigate to the institution's name.
      • Users should be aware that abbreviations and alias searches cannot be used to locate User Added Institutions within the INSTITUTION SEARCH fields in TES. CollegeSource recommends entering the full name of the User Added Institution (or at least the most unique part).

The letter C has been selected from the A to Z Index. A callout additionally identifies the location of the INSTITUTION SEARCH box towards the top left of the page. The user had searched for College University, which now appears within the institution list. The Select an Institution button is also highlighted.

  1. A list of equivalencies will appear. Select the arrow to the left of the equivalency ("View/edit course equivalency") to view further information.

Image depicts an equivalency between courses at College University - CSU Added and CollegeSource University SH. The View slash edit course equivalency button is highlighted.

"- CSU Added" is appended to the name of all User Added Transfer institutions created by CollegeSource University (SH). This phrase clearly identifies that the institution was created by CSU and is not associated with official TES® institution data. This phrase is visible to users within the Equivalency Manager.

Within the EQUIVALENCY DETAIL page, users will see the following information:

    • The equivalency BEGIN DATE and END DATE (if applicable);
    • Whether the equivalency is hidden from the Public View (PUBLIC VIEW HIDE?);
    • The equivalency PUBLIC NOTE (if applicable);
    • The equivalency PRIVATE NOTE (if applicable)
    • A side-by-side view of the User Added Transfer Institution and home institution course information.

From this page, the user can:

    • View the equivalency details noted.
    • Select Edit Course(s) to change the TRANSFER COURSE(S) and/or EQUIVALENT COURSE(S) within the equivalency.
    • Select Edit Detail to edit/add to the information within the EQUIVALENCY DETAIL fields.
    • Select EQ Delete to delete the equivalency.
      • All references to the equivalency will be deleted, including any reference in Course Equivalency Groups and Reports.
    • Select Print to print the equivalency record.
    • Select Email to send a copy of the equivalency record to an email address.

The Equivalency Batch Editor

The Equivalency Batch Editor can be used to identify and/or edit existing equivalencies in TES®.

See Find Equivalencies through the Equivalency Search for further information about using the EQ Search to locate User Added Transfer Courses; options include searching by institution name or transfer course code.

Once located, one can:

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