Add User Added Transfer Departments

This article provides instructions for creating User Added Transfer Departments within TES®.

After creating a User Added Transfer Institution and Data Set, the next step is to create the Department within which the User Added Course will reside.

If the User Added Department was previously created, skip to Add User Added Transfer Courses.

To begin:

  1. Go to the Match menu.
  2. Select User Added Courses.
  3. The user will be prompted to select the type of data to manage. 
    • Home Data is selected by default.
      • Toggle the Transfer Data radio button.
      • Select Submit.
  4. The User Added Institution screen will appear. Any previously-created institutions will be listed.
    • Select the arrow to the left of the name of the institution within which the Department will be created ("Select an institution").

Callout illustrates the location of the Select an institution button.

  1. The User Added Data Set screen will appear. Any previously-created data sets will be listed.
    • Select the arrow to the left of the institution's name ("Select a data set").

Callout illustrates the location of the Select a data set button.

  1. The User Added Course Department screen will appear. When entering this page upon initially creating the Department, a message will appear indicating that no data records were found.
    • Select the +Add Dept button.

User Added Course Department page. Callout illustrates the location of the Add Dept button towards the top right of the screen.

  1. Within the ADD DEPARTMENT pop-up, enter the following. All fields are required.

Add Department pop-up; text boxes within which to enter the Department and Abbreviation are displayed.

Field Description Example

Faculty by which the course is taught or attributed to


Shortened form of department name (word or phrase)

  1. Select Create.
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