Equivalency Finder
The Equivalency Finder provides a searchable, “view only” list of established equivalencies by your institution. It echoes the Public View, in that it allows users without CREATE EQ user rights to search through your account’s existing public equivalencies. Equivalencies cannot be created, edited, or deleted from this function.
Any user with an active TES® account can view equivalencies in this area.
- Users with ACCESS EQ or CREATE EQ rights will additionally be able to see CREATOR, EQUIVALENCY LOG, EVALUATION LOG, and PRIVATE NOTE details.
- Hidden equivalencies will not display in this view unless a user is given the ACCESS EQ user right.
- Equivalencies are organized by transfer institution name.
- To view the defined equivalencies for a particular institution, click the arrow next to the institution in the list.
- If there is either a Public or Private Note attached to the equivalency, a checkmark will appear in the NOTE? column.
- If the equivalency is hidden from the Public View, a checkmark will appear in the HIDE? column.
- Only users with the ACCESS EQ user right will ever see these checkmarks (and their corresponding hidden equivalencies), as this right is required to see hidden equivalencies.
- To view the defined equivalencies for a particular institution, click the arrow next to the institution in the list.
- You can search stored equivalencies by Course Code and/or by EQ Status:
- Search by EQ Status – select Active for current equivalencies, In-Active for those equivalencies whose effective dates are in the past or future, or Both to see both Active and In-Active equivalencies.
- Search by Course Code – enter a course code and then select the appropriate radio button, Transfer Course, Equivalent (Home) Course, or Both.
- You can also control how the list of equivalencies displays, using the Records Per Page and/or the Sort List By features:
- Select how many Records to be displayed Per Page (25, 50, or 100).
- Sort List By Transfer Course, Home Course, Begin Date, or End Date.
- Use the Reset button to clear out any previous search.
- To view an equivalency, click the arrow button next to the equivalency.
- None of the Private Notes will display unless a user has ACCESS EQ or CREATE EQ user rights, as noted above. Users with CREATE EQ user rights will be able to see these details in the Equivalency Manager as well.
If you have public Groups and Group Reports defined, they will be accessible by way of the "Guides" link to the right of the institution row.
- To view the public Groups and Group Reports, click the GUIDES link.
- To view a Guide, click the arrow next to the guides.