3 Features to Facilitate Identifying Equivalencies in TES
The below video provides an introduction to specialized search features in TES® that can help institutions quickly and easily locate information to facilitate creating evaluations and/or establishing equivalencies. Recorded on March 7, 2023, this webinar gave TES users insight into how to:
- Use the EQ Search within the Course Finder to locate potential equivalencies based on keywords taken from the transfer course title. These are then compared to the course title/description of the courses in the home institution’s catalog.
- Use the Optional Search within the Course Finder to (1) locate institutions by geographic location or country; and (2) locate courses by title, accreditation, and state.
- Use the Equivalency Explorer Course Code Match report to find identical course codes within the home institution and a transfer institution’s catalog.
- Use the Equivalency Explorer Course Title Match report to find identical course titles within the home institution and a transfer institution’s catalog.
- Use the Equivalency Explorer Reciprocal report to review equivalencies created by other institutions involving courses from the home institution's catalog.
- Use the Equivalency Explorer Course Change Explorer report to compare an institution's courses from one catalog edition to another.