Find Courses By Title, Accreditation, and State
If you need to find a course by a specific title, having a particular accreditation, within a particular state you can use the COURSE TITLE, ACCREDITATION AND STATE Optional Search feature. Let’s say for example that you want to find all the College Algebra courses at schools in Arizona that are accredited by The Higher Learning Commission (HLC).
- Type in the Course Title (ex. College Algebra)
- Select the appropriate Accreditation (ex. HLC)
- Select the State (ex. Arizona)
- Click the SEARCH button
- The SEARCH RESULTS displays a list of any course from any institution that meet this criteria.
- There could be multiple examples for each institution because a match will appear for each dataset in the TES database above the criteria selected.
Click the view (arrow) button to review individual course information.
- The course details will display.
If you would like to create an equivalency to the course, click the puzzle piece icon.
If you would like to create an Evaluation Task for the course, click the footprints icon.
If you would like to print out the details, click the printer icon.
If you would like to send the details in an e-mail, click the envelope icon.