Equivalency Explorer: Course Title Match

This report identifies potential equivalencies involving courses between your institution and another institution by comparing catalogs (data sets) and listing all of the courses with exact matching titles.

You can look at these courses and either create equivalencies to individual courses, selected courses, or all of the courses.

  • To use the Course Title Match Report, open the Equivalency Explorer.
  • Select the Course Title Match radio button.
  • Click the Submit button.

  • Search for the Institution you would like to compare your catalog to.
  • Select the institution using the arrow button.

  • Select a Data Set for the transfer institution.
  • Select a Data Set for your institution.
  • Click the Submit button.
  • TES aggregates course titles with multiple matches and groups them at the top of the list. Examples include “Independent Study”, “Directed Study”, “Seminar”, “Internship”, “Practicum”, “Applied Music”, etc. If you would like to evaluate those, they can be added back in by checking the box and clicking the +Add button.

  • To view a potential equivalency, click the arrow button.

  • To define a single equivalency, click the checkbox next to a single course.

  • Click the Create button.

  • Enter the equivalency details in the CREATE EQUIVALENCY popup.
  • Click the Submit button.
  • To create multiple equivalencies all in one step, check the checkboxes for the equivalencies you want to create.
    • You can click selected checkboxes or all of them (using the checkbox at the top of each page).
    • You can select equivalencies on multiple pages by using the page navigation at the top or bottom of each page.
      • Selected boxes will remain checked when you navigate to the next page.

  • Click the Create button.

  • Enter the equivalency details in the CREATE EQUIVALENCY popup and click the Submit button.
    • The information you include here will be added to every selected equivalency (in this example, 27 equivalencies).

When using the Title Match criteria, TES does not look at level, units, or course descriptions to suggest equivalencies. You will still need to use your discretion to determine if the proposed equivalency is valid. For example, a sophomore course and a graduate course might both have the same title: Intermediate Financial Accounting. Clearly, despite having the same title, you typically would not define an equivalency between both of these courses. This list is a great starting point, but you should still review your potential equivalencies before defining them.

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