Search by Geographic Location
Use the GEOGRAPHIC Optional Search feature to locate all the schools within a select mile radius of a selected city. This can be really helpful, particularly to help a student find a replacement course (a course that they can take at another institution and transfer it back to their home institution to satisfy a particular requirement). For example, let’s say a student tells you that they live near Minneapolis, MN and would like to take a summer course to satisfy an English requirement at your institution. Use the geographic location feature to locate schools within a certain mile radius of Minneapolis to evaluate their courses as possible equivalents.
- Select the Geographic radio button.
- Enter the range, the city, and the state.
- Click the search button.
- Click on the arrow button for any of the schools that display to see their course catalog(s)/data set(s).
- The DS? column indicates whether we have Data Sets in TES for this institution.
- The PDF? column indicates whether we have .PDF catalogs in TES for this institution.