2023 TES Enhancements Recap

What's New in TES®:

  1. Six new fields were added to the Evaluation Tracker Usage Statistics to help institutions better understand evaluation turnaround time. The EVALUATION STATISTICS SUMMARY (formerly called EVALUATION ACTIVITY SUMMARY) was also split into two sections to provide aggregate statistics and turnaround time.
  2. Institutions can now establish Priority Departments for staff (particularly evaluators). Assigned Departments will be listed at the top of course data sets when evaluating tasks within the Evaluation Tracker workflow.
  3. The new Institution Profile Notes feature allows TES Administrators to add notes to the Institution Profile in TES. This will allow users to note grade policy changes, changes to hours, and other pertinent information that the college or university uses when evaluating transfer credit from that institution.
  4. Catalog Status Tracking allows users to view, request, and track the status of catalogs loaded into TES. Before requesting a catalog, an individual can see if and where it is already in processing. Users can also track catalogs until they are available in production.
  5. Institutions can now designate up to six peer institutions to see how these colleges and universities evaluate courses and other experiences for transfer and award of credit. Institutions can use this information as a reference point when evaluating credit or advocating for practice and policy changes. 
  6. A link to the site map has been added to the footer on every page in TES. This link is only visible when users are logged in to the application. See How to Navigate through TES for further details about site organization.
  7. Within the Equivalency Export, TES Administrators can choose the delimiter type used to separate fields, and Course Tags can now be optionally included in export results.
  8. A new Send E-Mail action has been added to the Evaluation Tracker workflow. Notifications can be sent from the My Evaluations and All Open Evaluations queues of the Evaluation Tracker workflow. Users must have the SERVICE EVAL and (MANAGE EVAL or CREATE EQ) user rights to send emails from My Evaluations. The SERVICE EVAL and MANAGE EVAL user rights are required to send emails from All Open Evaluations.
  9. The file size limit for supporting documents attached to evaluation tasks has increased from less than 4 MB per file, for a total of 8 MB, to less than 10 MB per file, for a total of 20 MB.
  10. When creating evaluation tasks, users can send an evaluator one course - or a grouping of courses - as a single evaluation task using Single Eval Mode. Additionally, users can select multiple courses and generate a single evaluation task for each course using Batch Eval Mode. A third option is now available. Sequence Eval Mode allows users to select a series or sequence of courses to send to an evaluator as individual evaluation tasks, each with a proposed equivalency.
  11. An enhancement to the User-Added Home Course allows users to easily repeat the process of adding a course to an already-selected Department(s).
  12. Updates allow users to view the characters entered into password fields and copy/paste text into these fields when creating and resetting passwords.

Watch the webinar below, recorded on January 8, 2024, to learn more about these features.

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