Sample Process – Custom Public View for Course Equivalencies

TES includes a free public view.  This public view allows you to customize some aspects but what if you need to include more branding, images, obtain better usage statistics, etc? Creating a custom public view with the TES web services API suite may be your best option.

Getting Started

This is going to be a custom page created on your website, you will want to most likely consult a web developer at your institution in designing the page. CollegeSource Staff can help assist when errors are returned but the development of this view will fall on the institution.  Your developers may have their own methods in which they would like to encode the site so instead of how to create the site we are going to talk about how to populate the data to display equivalency information.  

Getting a List of Institutions:

Using the GetEquivalencyInstitutionListByAccount call provide the key ID (AccessKeyID) for your institution. You can optionally then set a specific page and number of records per page.   

The results returned will include the following information for each institution you have equivalencies established to:

SendInstitutionID, SendInstitutionName, ReceiveInstitutionName, InstitutionCity, and InstitutionStateAbbr

Parameter Guide

Getting a List of Equivalencies for a Single Institution:

Using the GetEquivalencyListBySendInstitutionByAccount call provide the key ID (AccessKeyID) for your institution, the InstitutionID for the Send institution. Optionally you can then filter your results by Status, specific course code at the send or receive institution. Then you can control how the results get displayed by setting the sort order, show or hide hidden equivalencies, which page to show, or adjust how much appears on a page.  

Parameter Guide

Getting the Details of an Equivalency:

To get the details of an existing equivalency you can use the GetEquivalencyDetailByEquivalencyID and provide the following to view the details: AccessKeyID and EquivalencyID.

If found, the call will return the following information: 
EffectiveDateBegin, EffectiveDateEnd, CreateUser, CreateDateTime, HideFlag, PublicNote, PrivateNote, SendInstitution (Name), SendInstitutionCity, SendInstitutionState, SendCourseCode1, SendCourseCode2*, SendCourseCode3*, SendCourseCode4*, SendCourseCode5*, SendCourseCode6*, SendCourseCode7*, SendCourseCode8*, SendCourseCode9*, SendCourseCode10*, ReceiveInstitution (Name), ReceiveInstitutionCity, ReceiveInstitutionState,ReceiveCourseCode1, ReceiveCourseCode2*, ReceiveCourseCode3*, 
ReceiveCourseCode4*, ReceiveCourseCode5*, ReceiveCourseCode6*, ReceiveCourseCode7*, ReceiveCourseCode8*, ReceiveCourseCode9*, ReceiveCourseCode10*. 

*indicates a value that may be left null.

Parameter Guide


Using these calls you are able to query the data inside of TES for your account.  Institutions can programmatically track which calls are being made and get better insights into what schools and courses students or staff are looking at the most.   The page is controlled by the school, so all branding needs can be met by the institution. Using this method of constructing a public view, institutions can meet branding and data collection requirements currently not possible utilizing the standard public view. 

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