Look Up Call – InstitutionIDs for Institutions With Existing Equivalency

If you are planning on deploying a custom Public View or planning on creating a custom process to pull all the equivalencies from TES to have them imported into a secondary system, you will want to start by getting the Institution ID (InstitutionID) for each of your institutions.

If you have a lot equivalencies stored in TES, looking up each institution's InstitutionID individually could be a time consuming task.  You would have to have a series of individual calls to retrieve a full list of InstitutionIDs.  This would ultimately slow down the loading process of a public or create a delay in creating a data file.  To avoid this issue, you can use the GetEquivalencyInstitutionListByAccount API call to retrieve the InstitutionID for all institution for which you have an existing equivalency.  

How it works:

Using the GetEquivalencyInstitutionListByAccount call provide the key ID (AccessKeyID) for your institution. You can optionally then set a specific page and number of records per page.   

The results returned will include the following information for each institution you have equivalencies established to:

SendInstitutionID, SendInstitutionName, ReceiveInstitutionName, InstitutionCity, and InstitutionStateAbbr

Parameter Guide


If you are planning a process to import equivalencies to a secondary system, it is recommended that you create an association between the TES InstitutionID and that Institutional listing in that system. 

The method is now available through https://bws.collegesource.com/ web service.

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