Look Up Call – Institution ID

An InstitutionID is a unique value assigned to every institution in TES. The InstitutionID value is required for looking up a course at another institution, so looking up the InstitutionID is usually the first step in a series of API calls. The Web Service API suite provides 3 methods of obtaining a single Institution ID (InstitutionID).

Search by OPEID

Using the GetInstitutionByOPEIDCode call provide your access key ID (AccessKeyID) and the OPEID code (InstitutionOPEID) of the institution you are looking up.

Parameter Guide

Search by CEEB

Using the GetInstitutionByCEEBCode call provide your access key ID (AccessKeyID) and the CEEB code (CEEBCode) of the institution you are looking up.

Parameter Guide  

Search by Location

Using the GetInstitutionByInstitutionNameCityStateAbbr call provide your access key ID (AccessKeyID), Institution Name (InstitutionName), Institution's City (InstitutionCity), Institution's State Abbreviation (InstitutionStateAbbr) and the Institution's Country (InstitutionCountry).

Parameter Guide


CollegeSource does not recommend storing the InstitutionID locally in a database.  These values may change over time.  A best practice is to look up this value at the beginning of each search.  

The methods are available through the https://bws.collegesource.com/ web service.

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