All Closed Evaluations
The Evaluation Tracker Workflow overviews the three queues of evaluation tasks in TES®: My Evaluations, All Open Evaluations, and All Closed Evaluations.
When an evaluation task is complete, it can be closed in one of two ways:
- The action of Create Equivalency and Close closes the evaluation task and stores the equivalency in TES.
- The Close action removes the task from the Evaluation Tracker workflow without creating an equivalency.
The All Closed Evaluations queue stores all evaluations that are no longer in the Evaluation Tracker workflow. SERVICE EVAL AND MANAGE EVAL user rights are required in order to access this queue. Within this queue, closed evaluation tasks can be reviewed, re-opened (if an equivalency was not created from them), and deleted.
Articles in this series:
To navigate to All Closed Evaluations:
- Go to the Track menu.
- Select All Closed Evaluations.
Details are provided regarding:
- The institution from which an evaluation was created.
- The number of evaluation tasks from that institution (EVAL COUNT).
- The city and state in which the institution is located.
View a Closed Evaluation Task
1. Select the blue arrow to the left of the institution's name.
The following information will be displayed in the EVALUATION LIST:
SEND COURSE(S) Transfer institution course identifier (often structured as a subject + number) |
PROPOSED COURSE(S) Equivalency suggested by the evaluation task creator or evaluator (if blank, no equivalency was proposed) |
LAST ACTION NOTES Description of the last action taken (may include comments) |
LAST ACTION DATE Most recent date an action was selected |
ASSIGNEE Person to whom the evaluation task is currently assigned |
CREATOR Person who initiated the evaluation task |
CREATED DATE Date the evaluation task was created |
2. Select the blue arrow to the left of the SEND COURSE(S) to view its details.
The CLOSED EVALUATION screen will appear. No further action will be available if an equivalency was created from the evaluation task.
- Re-Open? will return the evaluation to the Evaluation Tracker workflow.
- See Re-opening a Closed Evaluation Task for an overview of this process.
- Delete will permanently delete the evaluation task.
- See Deleting a Closed Evaluation Task for an overview of this process.
- If deleted, the evaluation task will be removed from the queue and any statistics related to it in the Evaluation Tracker Use Usage Statistic report may be altered.
- See Deleting a Closed Evaluation Task for an overview of this process.
Course Information
The transfer institution's name will appear on the left. The following course details will be available. When optional data is not provided by the institution, the header name will not appear.
Code Institution course identifier (often structured as a subject + number) |
Title Name of the course (a brief label) |
Description Summary of the content of the course |
Units Credit value of the course (educational systems vary; this number could represent semester, quarter, unit, or other credit types) |
Lecture Hours (optional) Number of credit hours assigned to instructor presentation (a portion of the total credit hours of the course) |
Lab Hours (optional) Number of credit hours assigned to laboratory work (a portion of the total credit hours of the course) |
Other Hours (optional) Additional hours assigned to the course, outside of lecture or laboratory |
Prerequisite (optional) Requirement that must be met prior to taking the course |
Corequisite (optional) Requirement that must be fulfilled while the course is taken |
Recommended (optional) Additional coursework or skills that should be acquired before taking the course |
Offered (optional) Term(s) in which the course is typically scheduled |
Grade Basis (optional) Scale or options under which the course will be evaluated (ex. A-F, CR/NC) |
Department Faculty by which the course is taught or attributed to |
Source catalog Name of the academic publication the course was sent for evaluation from |
Course tag(s) (optional) Institution-supplied code attached to a course, used to facilitate system and statewide transfer; generally applied to core or general education requirements |
Course outline (optional) Institution-supplied document attached to a course; a PDF of a curriculum outline, learning outcomes, and/or a syllabus |
Course history Select + to see previous versions of the course |
If an equivalency was proposed or selected in the evaluation, the course will appear under the home institution's name.
Evaluation Details
The following will be noted:
Assigned: Name and job title of the person to whom the evaluation task is currently assigned |
Create Date: Date and time the evaluation task was created (time is reported in Pacific time) |
Created by: Name and job title of the person who initiated the evaluation task |
Comment: Notes or additional information supplied by the evaluation task creator |
Close Note: Additional information supplied by the person closing the evaluation task; only appears within the All Closed Evaluations queue |
Activity Log
The ACTIVITY LOG tracks all the activity that occurs during the evaluation of the task. This log is stored within the evaluation task; if an institution stores equivalencies in TES, this information is available when viewing a course equivalency in the Equivalency Manager (there, it is referred to as the EVALUATION LOG).
The more steps an evaluation task goes through, the longer its ACTIVITY LOG will be. Below is an example of a task that underwent multiple rounds of evaluation before an equivalency was created and the task was closed.
1. S Hatfield sent an evaluation task to C Rogers on 6/9/2022. No equivalent course was proposed.
2. C Rogers chose PSY 1xx (a Psychology 1xx-level elective) as the equivalent course.
3. C Rogers approved the course and re-assigned it to S Hatfield with the following note: "Our Abnormal Psychology is a 3xx-level class."
4. S Hatfield re-assigned the evaluation task to S Beckett with the following note: "Please review to determine if this course will meet CSU liberal education requirements."
5. S Beckett added the course LE SOC SCI (this user-added course is used to evaluate courses as meeting the CollegeSource University Social Sciences requirement).
6. S Beckett approved the course and re-assigned it to S Hatfield.
7. An equivalency was created from the evaluation task; the evaluation task was closed.
8. An email was sent to the email address to notify when evaluation tasks result in an equivalency, as established within the Evaluation Tracker.
Searching for a Closed Evaluation Task
1. Select Search.
2. Select and/or enter the appropriate search criteria. Search criteria apply filters that refine how results are returned.
Current Assignee: Person to whom the evaluation task is currently assigned (select from the drop-down or search across all users with the SERVICE EVAL user right [SHOW ALL]) |
Previous Assignee: Person to whom the evaluation task was at one point assigned (select from the drop-down or search across all users with the SERVICE EVAL user right [SHOW ALL]) |
Resulted in EQ? (Toggle No to include only those closed evaluation tasks that did not result in an equivalency in the search results) (Toggle Yes to include only those closed evaluation tasks that resulted in an equivalency in the search results) (Toggle Both to search across all closed evaluations) |
Institution: College, university, or organization the course is from (select from the drop-down or search across all institutions [SHOW ALL]) |
Course Code: Transfer Course Transfer institution course identifier (often structured as a subject + number) Proposed EQ Course Equivalency suggested by the evaluation task creator or evaluator (input a full or partial code, and toggle the radio button) |
Creator: Person who initiated the evaluation task (select from the drop-down or search across all users with the CREATE EVAL user right [SHOW ALL]) |
Evaluation Age: Number of days since the evaluation was created (select from the drop-down: >2 DAYS, >5 DAYS, >10 DAYS, >15 DAYS, >20 DAYS, >30 DAYS, >60 DAYS, >90 DAYS) |
Close Age Number of days since the evaluation was closed (select from the drop-down: <2 DAYS, <5 DAYS, <10 DAYS, <15 DAYS, <20 DAYS, <30 DAYS, <60 DAYS, <90 DAYS) |
Sort List By: Arrange results in descending order (select from the drop-down: COURSE CODE, CREATE DATE, ASSIGNEE, CREATOR, INSTITUTION, LAST ACTION DATE) |
3. Select Search.
Select any of the column headers to change the sort order of the results:
4. Select the blue arrow in front of the INSTITUTION name to view the evaluation task.
- Once within the evaluation task:
- Select Re-Open? to open the evaluation task and return it to the Evaluation Tracker workflow.
- See Re-opening a Closed Evaluation Task for an overview of this process.
- Select Delete to permanently delete the evaluation task.
- See Deleting a Closed Evaluation Task for an overview of this process.
- If deleted, the evaluation task will be removed from the queue and any statistics related to it in the Evaluation Tracker Use Usage Statistic report may be altered.
- See Deleting a Closed Evaluation Task for an overview of this process.
- Select Re-Open? to open the evaluation task and return it to the Evaluation Tracker workflow.
5. To export the evaluation tasks, select Export.
- See Export Closed Evaluation Tasks for an overview of this process.
6. Select INSTITUTION LIST VIEW to return to the main page of All Closed Evaluations.
Tip: Sometimes a course may be evaluated as not transferring to an institution - either because it does not carry credit at the transfer institution or because of home institution policy. In those instances, best practice recommends institutions storing equivalencies in TES create a user-added course to convey this information. From there, institutions should create an equivalency from this evaluation task. It is not the best practice to simply close the evaluation; doing so will prevent the evaluation decision from appearing in multiple areas of TES and give the appearance that the course has not be evaluated.