Equivalency Manager Call – Get Equivalency Export List
The "GetEquivalencyExportList" API call allows users to retrieve all the equivalencies created for up to 30 days. The format of the output of this API call is similar to that of the TES export file.
For schools looking to automatically export transfer equivalencies rules from TES and integrate them with a third party solution, the TES GetEquivalencyExportList provides the only automated solution. With this API call users can pull all the equivalencies created and/or edited within the a 30 day window. This is perfect if you want to do a nightly sync or just check within the past 30 days for any changes in TES.
Users will need to know the following before they are able to set an Evaluation Task.
AccessKeyID - Provided with Web Services subscription
InstitutionalID for Send Institution if you only want to look up 1 school - See How to Look Up an Institution ID (InstitutionID)
PastNumDay - The past numb of days you want to export from TES. Value can be anything from 1-30.
eg. 1 = equivalency(ies) created in the past 1 day.
7 = equivalency(ies) created in the past 7 days.
30 = equivalency(ies) created in the past 30 days.
DateType: Filters the result set by date type:
0 = create AND last edit date.
1 = create date only.
2 = last edit date only.
EquivalencyType:Filters the result set by equivalency type:
0 = public and hidden equivalency(ies).
1 = public equivalency(ies) only.
2 = hidden equivalency(ies) only.
How it Works:
To export transfer equivalencies users will need to provide the following information;
AccessKeyID, SendInstitutionID*, PastNumDay(1-30), DateType(0-2),EquivalencyType(0-2).
*SendInstitutionID is optional. Null will return all records
If equivalency rules are successfully found the following results will be returned:
Please note all fields will be included. Data will only appear in items that have a value. Format matches that of an equivalency export file in TES.
SendInstitution = Name of Transfer Institution/Sending Institution for the equivalency.
SendInstitutionCity = Transfer Institution City for the institution in the equivalency.
SendInstitutionState = Transfer Institution State for the institution in the equivalency.
SendInstitutionCountry = Transfer Institution Country for the institution in the equivalency.
SendInstitutionOPEID = Transfer Institution OPEID for the institution in the equivalency.
SendInstitutionIPEDSID=Transfer Institution IPEDSID for the institution in the equivalency.
SendInstitutionCEEBCode= Transfer Institution CEEB for the institution in the equivalency.
SendEditionLowYear = Transfer Institution Dataset low year for the transfer course(s). For example, if the 2014- 15 dataset is the dataset that was selected when creating the equivalency, 2014 would represent the low year.
SendEditionHighYear = Transfer Institution Dataset high year for the transfer course(s). For example, if the 2014-15 dataset is the dataset that was selected when creating the equivalency, 2015 would represent the high year.
SendCourse1CourseCode – SendCourse10CourseCode = Transfer Courses for selected equivalency (up to 10 courses can be grouped together in an equivalency. For example, you may have the transfer courses PH121, PH121L, and PH121R grouped together to represent what the student would have taken to satisfy the equivalency).
SendCourse1CourseTitle – SendCourse10CourseTitle = Transfer Course Title for each of the send courses in an equivalent (up to 10 courses can be grouped together in an equivalent – see SendCourse1CourseCode).
SendCourse1Units – SendCourse10Units = Transfer Course Credits for each of the send courses in an equivalent (up to 10 courses can be grouped together in an equivalent – see SendCourse1CourseCode).
ReceiveInstitution = Your Institution’s Name.
ReceiveEditionLowYear = Your Institution’s Dataset low year for the equivalent course(s). For example, if the 2014-15 dataset is the dataset that was selected when creating the equivalency, 2014 would represent the low year.
ReceiveEditionHighYear = Your Institution’s Dataset high year for the equivalent course(s). For example, if the 2014-15 dataset is the dataset that was selected when creating the equivalency, 2015 would represent the high year.
ReceiveCourse1CourseCode – ReceiveCourse10CourseCode = Your Institution’s courses for the equivalency (up to 10 courses can be grouped together for the equivalency. For example, you may have the home courses PHIL 111, PHIL111L, and PHIL111R grouped together to represent what the student will receive credit for as part of the equivalency).
ReceiveCourse1CourseTitle – ReceiveCourse10CourseTitle = Your Institution’s Course Title for each of the receive courses in the equivalency (up to 10 courses can be grouped together for the equivalency – see ReceiveCourse1CourseCode).
ReceiveCourse1Units – ReceiveCourse10Units = Your Institution’s Course Credits for each of the receive courses in the equivalency (up to 10 courses can be grouped together for the equivalency – see ReceiveCourse1CourseCode).
ActiveDateBegin = The Effective Date Range Begin Date for the equivalency (if applicable).
ActiveDateEnd = The Effective Date Range End Date for the equivalency (if applicable).
ContactName = The TES User that created the equivalency in your TES database.
EQCreateDateTime = The Date and Time the equivalency was created in your TES database.
EQLEditDateTime = The Date and Time the equivalency was edited in your TES database.
HideFlag = Do you want to Hide the equivalency from your TES Public View? Yes will hide it. No will allow it to display.
CommentsPublic = The Public Note for the equivalency.
CommentsPrivate = The Internal (Private) Note for the equivalency.