Import Transfer Equivalencies into TES and Transferology: An Overview

This article provides an overview of the process for importing transfer equivalencies into TES® and Transferology®.


Institutions may import transfer equivalencies (or transfer credit rules) into TES® or Transferology® for one of the following reasons:

  1. The school has purchased TES and will use this system to evaluate transfer credit and store and maintain equivalencies.
    • In this case, the institution wants to take the equivalencies available in the school's Student Information System (SIS) or other software and build upon them in TES.
      • TES-subscribing institutions can purchase an import(s) from CollegeSource.
  2. The school has purchased Transferology® and will not supply equivalencies from uAchieve® , directly from PeopleSoft via the Transfer Rule Extractor (T-Rex), or from TES.
  3. The school has purchased TES or Transferology and has previously gone through the import process. The institution would like to now import additional equivalencies.

In these instances, schools must supply CollegeSource with an import file of the institution's equivalencies. The data within this file must be structured in a format to be described.

Transferology subscribers are provided two annual imports per year with the subscription cost, but additional imports can also be purchased from CollegeSource. These equivalencies are formatted and uploaded into TES® by CollegeSource for use within Transferology. Transferology subscribers are not required to have a TES subscription for this process.

Overview of the Import Process

Phase 1: The Institution Collects and Formats the Data

The institution will need to provide CollegeSource with a pipe-delimited .txt file of the institution's transfer equivalencies.

See Import Transfer Equivalencies into TES and Transferology: Create an Import Data File for further information, including the file naming convention and data requirements. A sample template is provided.

Phase 2: CollegeSource Reviews the Data

Phase 2 of the import process involves reviewing and adjusting data. CollegeSource will review the .txt to ensure that data meets the specifications and format required for import into TES®. The time it takes to complete this phase will depend on the amount of data revisions the institution wishes to make.

Column Headers

CollegeSource will review the data to ensure all columns are in the import file.


Each course within the import file must be matched to each course in the home and transfer institution's catalog data sets. Any courses that cannot be matched will be discussed with the institution. The institution can make changes to the transfer courses or leave them out of the import.

If the import file contains a home institution course identifier or receive course not within the institution's TES® course catalog data sets, CollegeSource will work with the institution to add these subject and course numbers into TES as User Added Home Courses. User Added Home Courses are a means through which institutions can communicate that courses will transfer to the institution as something other than a course in the institution's curriculum - for example, an elective, meeting a liberal education requirement, or satisfying class-standing requirements.

Phase 3: CollegeSource Imports the Data

CollegeSource will provide the institution with two options for importing the data. The institution can choose to:

  1. Delete any equivalencies already in TES® before processing the import file.
  2. Add the equivalencies within the import file to any equivalencies already in TES®.

Ultimately, the institution will need to choose between overriding any data already in TES (option 1) or appending existing data (option 2). During the import, a check will be run to prevent the upload of duplicate equivalencies. If an equivalency within the import is an exact duplicate as one in TES, or there are exact duplicate records with the import file, the duplicate will not be uploaded to TES. Institutions should be aware that two equivalencies containing the same course(s) is not a duplicate if the start date, end date, or comments differ.

Import Scripts

Scripts will be run to import the file into TES®. CollegeSource will review the data in TES and communicate its availability to the institution.

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