Import Transfer Equivalencies into TES and Transferology: Create an Import Data File

This article provides instructions for creating the data file required to import transfer equivalencies into TES® and Transferology®. Before creating this file, readers should be familiar with the information discussed within Import Transfer Equivalencies into TES and Transferology: An Overview.

File Requirements

The institution must provide CollegeSource with a pipe-delimited .txt file of the school's transfer equivalencies. No quoted text should appear within the file.

File Name

Name the file using the following structure: tbl(InstitutionAbbreviation)_YearMonthDay.txt
    • CollegeSource University would name the institution's import file tblCSU_20231201.txt

Create the Import File

Column Headers

The institution's equivalency data must be structured under the column headers identified by CollegeSource. All column headers must appear within the first row.

Institutions have the option of:

  1. Building a table in SQL using the provided code that contains the headers.
  2. Building a table in Excel using the provided template.

Columns with the word NULL next to them may be left NULL (or empty) but must be included in the file.

Field Name Description/Instructions

The national coding scheme the institution has chosen to identify itself and other institutions.

Each record must contain the same institution code type.

Choose from:

  • IPEDSID (also referred to as UNITID)
  • OPEID 
  • CEEB

CollegeSource recommends that institutions use OPEID or IPEDSID (UNITID) to ensure the most accurate data matching. These codes tend to generate the least amount of exceptions.

CollegeSource collects OPEID and IPEDSIDs from the National Center for Education Statistics.


The unique code of the institution.

Input the unique code of each institution using the InstitutionCodeType schema chosen above. All send institutions should be identified using the code type chosen.


The institution name.

Input the name of each college, university, or organization.

Use the official name of the institution and not an abbreviated/shortened version. CollegeSource uses the exact spelling of the institution within the National Center for Education Statistics when attempting to match data.


The city in which the institution is located.

Input the city in which each college, university, or organization is located.


The state in which the institution is located.

Input the state in which each college, university, or organization is located.


The country in which the institution is located.

Input the country in which each college, university, or organization is located.

"U.S.A." is accepted for the United States of America.

EQValidDateStart NULL

The first day on which the equivalency is effective. Optional field.

Format: MM/DD/YYY. Dates should be no earlier than 1/1/1753 and no later than 12/31/9999.

EQValidDateEnd NULL

The last day on which the equivalency is effective. Optional field.

Format: MM/DD/YYY. Dates should be no earlier than 1/1/1753 and no later than 12/31/9999.

Equivalencies with no begin and end date will be considered "active" when viewed in TES.

Additional option: 

Upon request and after the import, CollegeSource can dynamically determine equivalency begin dates. 

Begin date: Set to the earliest course found (all Send Courses) during the time the institution was accredited.

Begin date: Set to the earliest course found (all Send Courses) regardless of accreditation.

Begin date: Set to the earliest duplicate (similar) equivalency found.

Begin date: No begin dates.

MonthDay: Active dates will have either "1/1," "8/1," or "9/1" appended to the year.

Contact CollegeSource for more information.


Transfer institution course identifier (often structured as a subject + number).

Input the transfer course identifier for each transfer course.

SendCourseCode2 NULL  An equivalency can contain up to 10 SendCourseCodes. Only SendCourseCode1 is required to always be populated. Leave the other SendCourseCode fields blank unless they are included in the equivalency.
SendCourseCode3 NULL 
SendCourseCode4 NULL 
SendCourseCode5 NULL 
SendCourseCode6 NULL 
SendCourseCode7 NULL 
SendCourseCode8 NULL 
SendCourseCode9 NULL 
SendCourseCode10 NULL 

The unique code of the institution.

Input the unique code of the home institution using the InstitutionCodeType schema chosen above.


The institution name.

Input the name of the home institution.


Home institution course identifier (often structured as a subject + number).

Input the home course identifier for each equivalency. 

ReceiveCourseCode2 NULL  An equivalency can contain up to 10 ReceiveCourseCodes. Only ReceiveCourseCode1 is required to always be populated. Leave the other ReceiveCourseCode fields blank unless included in the equivalency.
ReceiveCourseCode3 NULL 
ReceiveCourseCode4 NULL 
ReceiveCourseCode5 NULL 
ReceiveCourseCode6 NULL 
ReceiveCourseCode7 NULL 
ReceiveCourseCode8 NULL 
ReceiveCourseCode9 NULL 
ReceiveCourseCode10 NULL 
CommentsPrivate NULL 

Notes to document the evaluation process or the rationale behind the evaluation. Optional field.

Enter an optional note to be included in the Private Note field in TES. Limit of 2,048 characters. This note will not be displayed within Transferology. 

CommentsPublic NULL 

Note to display within the TES Public View and Transferology. Optional field.

Enter an optional note to be included in the Public Note field in TES. Limit of 1,024 characters. A maximum of 255 characters will display within Transferology.

Controls whether an equivalency displays within the TES Public View or within Transferology.
  • When the HideFlag is set to "1" or True," the equivalency will not display. 
  • When the HideFlag is set to "0," "False," or is left blank (NULL), the equivalency will display within the applications.

Data Review

Once the import file is complete, please review and verify the following:

    • The file is named according to the convention described above.
    • All column headers listed in the template are contained within the file.
    • SendCourseCode1 and Receive Course Code1 are filled in for every record.
      • These fields can never be NULL/blank.
    • The import file contains no records that the institution does not want to be imported into TES®.
    • The user has opened the file and sees the vertical pipe delimiters.
    • The user has opened the file and sees that the data is readable.

Send the Import File to CollegeSource

When ready, email the .txt file:


Subject: (School Name) - Equivalency Import

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