Course Tags and Outlines

Course Tags and/or Course Outlines can be added to any course in your own data set(s). Both Course Tags and Course Outlines are assigned at the data set level and need to be migrated to other data sets in order for them to be available in those other data sets. 

Course Tags are generally used when there are system-wide or state-approved codes corresponding to courses from that system or state’s institutions - but where common-course numbering has not been implemented. Institutions within that system tag their courses to indicate the instructional elements that are guaranteed by that course. Institutions within the system use these codes to facilitate the evaluation of the equivalent coursework. Institutions outside of the system that understand the codes can also take advantage of them to facilitate the evaluation of transferability.

Course Outlines are generally attached to courses by institutions that regularly transfer students out. The evaluation of the course is facilitated at the target institution through the additional information provided by the course outline.


Course Outlines

Viewing a Course Outline

  1. If a Course Outline has been uploaded and attached to a course, it is displayed within the course description for all TES clients to view. Outlines are also visible in the TES Public View
  2. To view, select a course using the Course Finder
  3. Clicking on the icon will display the Course Outline in another browser window

Attach an Outline to a Course

Note: files must be in PDF format and smaller than 4MB. 

  1. On the top menu, select Match > Course Tags & Outlines
  2. Use the drop-down menu to choose a data set, and click the Select button
  3. Use the drop-down menu to choose a department: A list of courses will display
    Existing course tags that have been assigned and outlines that have been attached will be listed next to the course
  4. To upload and attach an outline to a course, click the arrow button to the left of the course code
  5. Click the Choose File button to search for the outline you wish to upload. Click Submit
  6. The Course Outline will appear as a clickable icon in the course description
  7. Click COURSE LIST in the breadcrumb menu to return to the list of courses and continue adding tags and outlines for that department

Removing an Outline from a Course

Follow the same steps as attaching an outline:

  1. On the top menu, select Match > Course Outlines and Tags
  2. Use the drop-down menu to choose a dataset, and click the Select button
  3. Use the drop-down menu to choose a department
    1. A list of courses will display
    2. Existing course tags that have been assigned and outlines that have been attached will be listed next to the course
  4. To remove an outline form a course, click the arrow button to the left of the course code
  5. Check the Delete existing course outline checkbox, then click the Submit button
  6. The list of courses shows all of the courses with outlines still attached

Submitting Course Tags

If your system or state has codes that you would like to have added to TES as Course Tags, there are 2 required fields we will need to know. Course Tags can be requested by using the contact us form in TES. 

Required Fields

  1. Course Tag Group Name (GroupName):  The full name to be associated with the Course Tag (title)
  2. Course Tag Group Name Abbreviation (GroupNameAbbr):  The abbreviated version of the Course Tag Name (code) 


Group Name Group Name Abbreviation
Writing Intensive WRIT
Quantitative Reasoning QR
World Eastern Culture Requirement WEC

Course Tag Migration:

Course Tags are assigned to courses at the data set level. There is a migration feature that allows you to display those tags in subsequent (or prior) data sets. Duplicates will automatically be detected and will not be migrated.

Note: If you have Tags applied to courses that exist in the Source Data Set, but the courses do not exist in the Destination Data Set, those courses will not be added to the Destination Data Set. Just the Tags that are on courses that exist in both catalogs/data sets will be migrated.

  1. On the top menu, select Match > Course Outlines and Tags
  2. Click the Migrate Course Tag button in the upper right hand corner
    1. The Source Data Sets are the data sets that contain tagged courses
    2. The COUNT is the number of tagged courses in that data set (even if a course has more than one tag, it will only be represented once in this count)
    3. The Destination Data Sets provide a target to migrate the Course Tags to
  3. Select a SOURCE and DESTINATION DATA SET using the radio buttons 
  4. Click Submit

Course Tag Audit Report:

This report is primarily intended for use in state systems where a coordinated General Education (or similar) tagging system is in place. The tool assembles a list of courses from an institution that have one or more associated Course Tags. This list is then compared to a set of equivalencies. 

  1. On the top menu, select Match > Equivalency Explorer
  2. Click the radio button for the Course Tag Audit Report and click the Submit button
  3. Select the institution using the arrow button to the left of the row
  4. Select a Data Set for the transfer institution
  5. A list of all of the courses with Course Tags displays. 
    1. If you have an equivalency defined to any of the courses, "YES" will appear in the EQ EXISTS? column.
    2. You can now sort the results by the EQ EXISTS? column to more easily see which courses have established equivalencies.
  6. To view the course details for any of the courses in the list, click the arrow button next to the course code

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