Course Tags

Course Tags are intended for use when there are system-wide or state-approved codes corresponding to courses from the system or state’s institutions where common course numbering is not in place. For example, if a system certifies that certain courses will meet a core or general requirement at a particular institution, and that consequently, they should be accepted in transfer at each of the other system-member institutions as satisfying that same requirement, a tag assigned to the course in TES clearly represents this certification. Institutions accepting the course would then be able to easily identify the core requirements a transfer course satisfies, even if they don’t have a direct course equivalent for the transfer. Staff with the TES Administrator User Right have rights to attach these tags to courses at your institution. Much like the User-Added Departments and Courses and Course Outlines, Course Tags are applied at the data set level, and can be migrated to other data sets.

Course Tags need to be added to your TES database by CollegeSource. Use the Contact link on the COURSE TAGS AND COURSE OUTLINE MANAGEMENT screen to send us a list of your Tag Codes and Titles. Once these are added, the TES Administrator can attach the codes to your courses.

  • Point to Match and select Course Tags & Outlines.

  • Select a data set.
  • Click the Select button.

When managing your course tags and outlines, there are two organizational features you can use. You can view courses by Department, or by existing Course Tags.

Viewing/Managing Tags by Department

  • Select a Department.

  • Click the arrow next to the course you want to edit.

  • Click the +Add Course Tag(s) button.

  • Check the desired COURSE TAG(S).
  • Click the +Add button.

  • The course list will reflect your update(s).

Viewing/Managing Tags by the Tag

Many times the same Tag can/will be used for courses across multiple departments. For example, a Foreign Languages/Culture Tag could be applied to courses in many departments. You can view/manage existing (Tagged) courses using the Tag filter.
To Add Tags to previously untagged courses, you will need to manage that by Department (above).

  • Select a Course Tag.

  • Once selected the filtered list displays.

  • Select a course (using the arrow) to add/change/remove tags to the course.

Removing Course Tags

If you tag a course by mistake, if tags change and you need to update them, or if you simply want to remove a tag, you need to edit the course. Pull up the course in Course Tags and Course Outline Management using either the Department list or the Tag filter. 

  • Either select the Department or filter by an existing Course Tag.

  • Click the arrow next to the course.

  • Click the +Add Course Tag(s) button.

  • Uncheck the Tag.
  • Click the +Add button.

  • The Course Tag is removed.

Viewing Course Tags

Course Tags are visible in TES to anyone using the Course Finder. They are also visible in the Public View when viewing defined equivalencies to the tagged course(s).

  • Open Course Finder.
  • Select an Institution.
  • Select a data set.
  • Select the course - either by department, course code search, or course title search.
  • Click the arrow next to the course.

  • The Course Tag(s) display as part of the details of the course description.
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