De-Activate A User in TES

TES Administrators manage the profiles of the institution's users. These individuals are responsible for creating new users, assigning and updating user rights, updating contact information, and de-activating users. This article describes the process for de-activating a user in TES®.

It is good practice to de-activate a user in TES when the individual:

  1. Leaves the institution.
  2. Transitions out of a role that requires TES access.

If needed, the user's account can be re-activated in the future and user rights reviewed to ensure appropriate access is granted.

When de-activating a user, it's important to note that any Priority Departments assigned will remain associated with that individual's account until they are removed.

  • This means that these assignments will be applicable upon reactivation (assuming the user has the appropriate user rights to review evaluation tasks). Given this, institutions will need to determine business processes for managing Priority Departments before de-activating or upon re-activating a user. 

To de-activate a user:

  1. Go to the Manage menu.
  2. Select User Management.

The User Management screen will appear:

This is an image of the user management screen in TES. Buttons one can select from at the top are add user, set priority departments, email, export, and user rights. On the left, each individual user's name is listed. The chart shows whether the individual has the create list, create eval, service eval, manage eval, access eq, explore eq, create eq, or administrator user right. The user's last login is also noted.

  1. Select the Edit user button to the left of the user's name.

Image of user management screen in TES. Callouts highlight that the location of the button needing to be selected to update (or in this case, de-activate) a user's profile is to the left of the user's name.

2. Scroll to the bottom of the user profile and select De-Activate.

Image depicts location of De-Activate button at the bottom of the EDIT USER screen.

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