TES: Premier Course Data and Transfer Evaluation System
TES empowers users to quickly locate course descriptions; route and track the evaluation process; store, manage, group, and publicize the resulting equivalencies; and employ powerful algorithms to generate lists of equivalencies between institutions.
This introduction will demonstrate …
- User Management – Adding new users and maintaining existing ones.
- Import/Export Options
- User-Added Courses – How to build placeholder courses for equivalencies to elective credit or to designate courses that will not transfer.
- Course Finder – A research tool for quickly researching institution profiles and course descriptions.
- Equivalency Manager – For creating, editing, storing, grouping, retrieving, and sharing college-to-college transfer credit equivalencies.
- Evaluation Tracker – A paperless workflow for recording and summarizing the decisions involved in transfer credit evaluation.
- Equivalency Explorer – For discovering changes from one catalog to the next or quickly and proactively finding likely equivalencies between any two institutions.
- The Public View – A feature that allows you to publish your equivalencies on your website so that prospective transfer students can see for themselves how their courses may transfer.
- Reports – A quick look at some of the information you can get out of TES about what you have in it and how you are using it.