Clicking the plus symbol box next to the transfer institution name will open a popup window that will display the institution profile, complete with access to the institution's website and, if we have it, the institution's transcript key.
Click the Globe icon to access the transfer institution's website directly.
Click the Key icon (if the head is gold) to access the transfer institution's transcript key.
Close the Institution Profile box using the "x" symbol in the top-right corner of the popup.
Department Courses (sequence)
Clicking the plus symbol box to the right of the Department: element in the evaluation task will open a popup window that will display all the course offerings from that department. This is particularly helpful if the sequence of the course is important to the evaluator.
The course being evaluated will display with a bold, red title, making it easily identifiable.
Prerequisites from the same department are easily viewed by scrolling up in the window to see the description(s) of those, allowing the evaluator to assess if the preparation for the course matches what would be expected at your institution.
Close the Department Courses box using the "x" symbol in the top-right corner of the popup.
Course History
Clicking the plus symbol box to the right of the Course history: element in the evaluation task will open a popup window that will display all the entries for the course that exist in TES. This is particularly helpful if the course is a course that may have changed over time and if your institutional policy is to evaluate the course when the student took it (from their transcript).
Close the Course History box using the "x" symbol in the top-right corner of the popup.
Support Files
If the evaluator requires support files, they will be accessible at the bottom of the evaluation task window (right above the evaluation log).
Click on the Adobe icon(s) to open the support file(s).
It will open on a separate tab in your browser. Close the browser tab to return to the evaluation task.
Set up your My Evaluations queue as your default login page
To make it even easier to get to your pending evaluation tasks you can set your default login page to go directly to your My Evaluations queue.
Select User Preferences from the Manage menu.
Click the My Evaluations option under the Track menu section and click the Submit button to set your My Evaluations queue as your default login page.
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