Request a Password Reset

This article provides instructions for resetting a user's TES® password.

Request a Password Reset

If requesting a password reset directly from Forgot Your Password?, go to step 4.

To request a password reset:

  1. Go to
  2. Select Log In.
  3. Within the login screen, under the Log In button, select the Forgot your password? link.

Callout illustrates the location of the Forgot your password link.

  1. Enter the email address of the individual whose password needs to be reset in the box below.

Forgot Your Password page. Text reads Use the form below to request a password reset. To validate the request, we'll send an email to the TES account email provided. Follow or visit the link found in the email to complete the password reset. Password reset requests expire in 48 hours.

  1. Select Submit.
    • A message will appear noting that the request was processed. Please check the email inbox to complete the password reset process.

Password reset requests expire after 48 hours.

Password Reset Email

The user whose email was entered in the Enter your TES account email address field will receive an email with the following information, including a password reset link. If the user has a Transferology® Lab account, resetting the TES® password will also change the Transferology password.

We received a request to reset your TES password. We sent this email to verify the request. If you did not request a password reset, you may ignore this email. No further action is needed. Please use the link below to complete the password reset process. The link will expire in 48 hours. If 48 hours have already elapsed, you may request a new reset link by clicking here. Please note - This password reset will also apply to your Transferology Lab account. Click to reset your password. If you encounter any problems, contact us via email at: Sincerely, TES Support Center. CollegeSource, Inc. Phone number (800) 854-2670 Option 3
Select to see a larger version

If it has been less than 48 hours since the password reset was requested, follow the steps below to reset the password.

  • If it has been more than 48 hours, request a new password reset via the link in the email. Refer to Request a Password Step 4 for further instructions.

To reset the password:

  1. Select the password reset link.
    • This is a hyperlinked URL.
  2. The Password Reset screen will appear in TES.
Password Reset screen as described below.
Select to see a larger version

Review the password guidelines:

    • The password must be new, not the same as your previous password.
    • The password must be a minimum of eight (8) characters.
    • The password must contain at least two letter characters and two number characters.
    • The password must contain at least one uppercase character and at least one lowercase character.
    • The password may contain special characters except for spaces, forward slashes, semi-colons, or sequential hyphens.

  1. Enter a new password into the field noted.
  2. Re-enter the password in the Re-enter to confirm box.

TES will support the copying and pasting of passwords and entering of passwords via a password management system.

The password will be hidden by default.

    • To display it, select the Show button.
      • To hide the password again, select Hide.
  1. If the user has a TES and Transferology Lab account, the individual will be presented with the following two items to verify:
    • That the individual is an employee of the noted institution.
    • The user has read and agreed to abide by the TES and Transferology Terms of Use.
      • Review the terms of use.
      • Mark the checkboxes to the left of each item.
      • This password reset will apply to the TES and Transferology Lab user accounts.
  2. If the user does not have a Transferology Lab account, the individual will only be presented with the following two items to verify:
    • That the individual is an employee of the noted institution.
    • The user has read and agreed to abide by the TES Terms of Use.
      • Review the terms of use.
      • Mark the checkboxes to the left of each item.
  3. Select Submit.

The user will be directed to the TES login screen, where it will be noted that the password was successfully changed. Please log in with the new password.

Callout illustrates the location of the message noted above.

Further Assistance

If still unable to log in, contact CollegeSource:

  1. Select the Help button on any page within TES.
  2. Select Ask.
  3. Under Request Type, select Technical or access issue.
  4. Select Next.
  5. Fill in the following fields:
    • Name, Subject, Email address, How can we help?
  6. Select Send a messge.

A ticket can also be submitted through the Contact Us form in TES.

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